Integrated Decision and Analytics Support (IDeAS) project

In Zambia, healthcare professionals are harnessing the power of technology to overcome the challenges posed by the epidemics such as HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria. The adoption of an advanced Electronic Health Record (EHR) system called SmartCare Plus has revolutionized data management and significantly enhanced patient care outcomes.

The Integrated Decision and Analytics Support (IDeAS) project, supported by the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) funding and a collaboration between the Ministry of Health, CDC, BroadReach consortium, and IHM Southern Africa, aimed to develop integrated patient management systems that would transform healthcare delivery in Zambia. During the project, which took place from 2016 to 2019, the primary focus was on implementing the SmartCare EHR system. The objectives included strengthening the capacity of the Zambian Ministry of Health, improving health information integration, enhancing healthcare worker insight and impact, and achieving epidemiological control of HIV/TB.

As a key partner in the IDeAS project, IHM Southern Africa played a crucial role in the national deployment of the SmartCare Plus EHR system. They provided technical support for seamless EHR integration and collaborated closely with the Ministry of Health to enhance the utilization of Health Information System (HIS) data, particularly in relation to HIV/TB.

Through the IDeAS project, Zambia’s healthcare system has been empowered with advanced technology, enabling healthcare professionals to deliver better treatment services and achieve improved clinical and public health outcomes. IHM Southern Africa’s involvement has contributed significantly to the ongoing fight against HIV/TB epidemics and the overall enhancement of healthcare services in Zambia.