With Project


our Year in review


Strengthening Capacity for Health information Systems Sustainably

The Strengthening Capacity for Health Information Systems Sustainably project is actively working with the Ministry of Health in Zambia to build a robust, sustainable, and interoperable health information system that will enable the healthcare sector by providing the necessary data, analytics, and expertise to improve the health outcomes for all.

 The SHISS project has three main objectives with the first being the deployment of SmartCare plus in more than 1500 health facilities in Zambia by end of 2026. The project also aims at improving the automation of the data architecture for meaning use of information for improved health quality of care and health outcomes. The project lastly, is aimed at enhancing institutionalization and sustainability of implementation and maintenance and management of health information systems.

Significance of Deploying "SmartCare Plus" EHR System

The deployment of the SmartCare Plus in Zambia represents a pivotal milestone in IHM’s mission. This innovative EHR system is a state-of-the-art digital solution designed to revolutionize healthcare management and delivery in Zambia. Its significance lies in several key areas:
Improved Patient Care: SmartCare Plus enables healthcare providers to access comprehensive and up-to-date patient records, leading to more informed treatment decisions, reduced medical errors, and ultimately, improved patient care.
Enhanced Data Management: The system offers robust data management capabilities, ensuring data accuracy, security, and accessibility. This fosters a seamless flow of information within the healthcare ecosystem, supporting better patient outcomes.
Empowering Healthcare Professionals: The EHR system empowers healthcare professionals with tools and resources to excel in their roles. It enhances their efficiency, provides clinical decision support, and promotes evidence-based practices.
Data Security and Privacy: IHM is committed to upholding the highest standards of data security and patient privacy, aligning with international best practices and regulatory requirements. This ensures that patient data remains confidential and protected.
Data-Driven Programming: By deploying “SmartCare Plus,” IHM contributes to data-driven programming within the Zambian healthcare system. It enables health authorities and policymakers to make informed decisions, allocate resources effectively, and drive evidence-based policies.

Context of Healthcare in Zambia

The healthcare landscape in Zambia presents both opportunities and challenges. While the nation has made significant strides in improving healthcare access and outcomes, there is a continued need for innovation and efficiency. Key aspects of the healthcare context in Zambia include:

Diverse Healthcare Delivery: Healthcare services are delivered through a mix of public and private facilities, with varying levels of infrastructure and resources. This diversity necessitates effective data management for coordinated care.
Public Health Priorities: Zambia faces public health challenges such as infectious diseases, maternal and child health issues, and non-communicable diseases. Addressing these priorities requires accurate data and strategic planning (Greg S, 2023).
Health Information Systems: Strengthening health information systems is crucial to monitor and evaluate healthcare programs, allocate resources, and ensure equitable access to quality care.
Human Resources: Ensuring a skilled healthcare workforce is vital for healthcare delivery. “SmartCare Plus” can aid in training and supporting healthcare professionals.
In summary, IHM’s mission, coupled with the deployment of the SmartCare Plus, represents a significant step toward improving healthcare delivery, enhancing data-driven decision-making, and addressing healthcare challenges in Zambia. This initiative aligns with the broader goal of advancing healthcare and promoting the well-being of the Zambian population.

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Some cool tips you should know


Paris is for everyone. you can even find gluten-free restaurants and markets.

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Concerts and outdoor opera events are happening all year long. it's an amazing experience.

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Paris can offer more than just the well-known tourist spots. Explore the outskirts of Paris.​

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Dogs are welcome. you can find great parks and stores just for your little friend

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be polite and patient. try to enjoy the people and the atmosphere of Paris.

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Smile and enjoy Paris. take a long walk around and talk to people.

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